Nagios::Cmd perl module

Al Tobey albert.tobey at
Mon Sep 22 18:26:51 CEST 2003

I fixed some stuff in the module and actually tested it this time before
sending it out.

You can now pass your named arguments without {} brackets.  It also
doesn't attempt to set defaults for anything.  It's all documented in
the POD.

Nagios::Cmd(3)        User Contributed Perl Documentation       Nagios::Cmd(3)


       Nagios::Cmd is a module to take care of the logistics involved in sub-
       mitting a command to Nagios’s command pipe.  flock(2) is used to insure
       that parallel calls to this module don’t corrupt each other (unlikely
       in any case).

       To turn on this module’s debugging, set it’s $debug directly before
       calling any methods:
        $Nagios::Cmd::debug = 1;

       To get a list of valid commands and their arguments, run the following
        perl -MNagios::Cmd -e ’Nagios::Cmd::Help’
        perl -MNagios::Cmd -e ’Nagios::Cmd::Help(ADD_HOST_COMMENT)’

       You might need to specify an include path for Nagios::Cmd since it most
       likely won’t be in your standard perl include directories:
        perl -I/opt/nagios/libexec -MNagios::Cmd -e ’Nagios::Cmd::Help’


        use lib ’/opt/nagios/libexec’;
        use Nagios::Cmd;
        my $cmd = Nagios::Cmd->new( "/var/opt/nagios/rw/nagios.cmd" );
        my $cmd_args = {
           host => $host,
           persistent => 1,
           author => "Al Tobey",
           comment => "This host is very stable."
        $cmd->ADD_HOST_COMMENT( $cmd_args );

           host => $host,
           persistent => 1,
           author => "Al Tobey",
           comment => "This host is very stable."

        $cmd->ADD_HOST_COMMENT( $host, 1, "Al Tobey", "This host is very stable." );

        # -- OR --

        use lib ’/opt/nagios/libexec’;
        use Nagios::Cmd ’nagios_cmd’;
        my $time = CORE::time(); # use CORE:: if you have Time::HiRes overriding time()

        # submit a custom command to the pipe
        nagios_cmd( "[$time] DEL_ALL_HOST_COMMENTS;localhost" );

Initiate a Nagios::Cmd object.  It takes ony one argument, the full path to
the nagios command file.  If you want to test this module out, without submit-
ting all kinds of noise to Nagios, set $Nagios::Cmd::debug = 1, which will
allow the command file to be a regular file instead of a pipe.   You can also
create a test command file with the mknod(1) command.

 mknod -m 600 /var/tmp/nagios_cmd p

The cat(1) command works well as a reader on a fifo.

By default, this subroutine is NOT exported.  See the example above if you
don’t already know how to get it.  Use this command if you need to use a com-
mand that is not defined in this module.  Adding commands to this module is
pretty trivial, so you may want to look at the %commands hash at the top of
the file.

 nagios_cmd( "[".time()."] " . join(";", $COMMAND_NAME, @ARGS) );
 nagios_cmd( "[1063919882] DISABLE_HOST_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS;localhost" );


       Albert P Tobey <albert.tobey at>

perl v5.8.1                       2003-09-22                    Nagios::Cmd(3)

On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 17:18, Al Tobey wrote:
> For submission under the GPL, a quick module I threw together for
> submitting commands to the Nagios command pipe.

-------------- next part --------------
#                                                                         #
# Nagios::Cmd                                                             #
# Written by Albert Tobey <albert.tobey at>              #
# Copyright 2003, Albert P Tobey                                          #
#                                                                         #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   #
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any     #
# later version.                                                          #
#                                                                         #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     #
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              #
# General Public License for more details.                                #
#                                                                         #
package Nagios::Cmd;
use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK $AUTOLOAD $debug %commands );
use Fcntl ':flock';
use Carp;
require Exporter;

@ISA       = qw( Exporter );
@EXPORT_OK = qw( nagios_cmd );
$debug = undef;

%commands = (
    ADD_HOST_COMMENT => [qw(host persistent author comment)],
    ADD_SVC_COMMENT => [qw(host service persistent author comment)],
    DEL_HOST_COMMENT => [qw(comment_id)],
    DEL_ALL_HOST_COMMENTS => [qw(host)],
    DEL_SVC_COMMENT => [qw(comment_id)],
    DEL_ALL_SVC_COMMENTS => [qw(host service)],
    DELAY_HOST_NOTIFICATION => [qw(host next_notification_time)],
    DELAY_SVC_NOTIFICATION => [qw(host service next_check_time)],
    SCHEDULE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS => [qw(host next_check_time)],
    ENABLE_SVC_CHECKS => [qw(host service)],
    DISABLE_SVC_CHECKS => [qw(host service)],
    ENABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS => [qw(host service)],
    DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS => [qw(host service)],
    ENABLE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS => [qw(host)],
    DISABLE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS => [qw(host)],
    ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS => [qw(time)],
    DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS => [qw(time)],
    SHUTDOWN_PROGRAM => [qw(time)],
    RESTART_PROGRAM => [qw(time)],
    PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT => [qw(host service return_code plugin_output)],
    SAVE_STATE_INFORMATION => [qw(time)],
    READ_STATE_INFORMATION => [qw(time)],
    ENABLE_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS => [qw(host service)],
    DISABLE_PASSIVE_SV_CHECKS => [qw(host service)],
    ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM => [qw(host service persistent comment)],
    ACKNOWLEDGE_HOST_PROBLEM => [qw(host persistent comment)]

# to export for people who want to do commands not specified here
sub nagios_cmd {
    my $cmd = shift;
    chomp( $cmd ); # there can be only one "\n"
    flock( NAGIOS_CMD_FILE, LOCK_EX );
    print NAGIOS_CMD_FILE "$cmd\n";
    flock( NAGIOS_CMD_FILE, LOCK_UN );
sub new {
    my( $type, $cmdfile ) = @_;

    croak "$cmdfile does not exist!"
        unless ( -e $cmdfile );
    croak "$cmdfile is not a pipe and debugging is not enabled!"
        unless ( -p $cmdfile || defined($debug) );

    print "opening '$cmdfile' to write commands to ...\n" if ( $debug );
    open( NAGIOS_CMD_FILE, ">>$cmdfile" )
        || croak "could not open $cmdfile for writing: $!";

    return( bless(\$cmdfile, $type) );

    my $self = shift;

    $AUTOLOAD =~ m/Nagios::Cmd::(\w+)$/;
    my $method = $1;

    print "method $method called with arguments: '", join(', ', @_), "'\n"
        if ( $debug );

    confess "invalid method call '$method'"
        unless ( exists($commands{$method}) );

    my @parts   = @{ $commands{$method} };
    my @command = ( $method );
    my @input   = @_;

    # a few commands take no arguments, so skip this block of code in that case
    if ( defined($commands{$method}) ) {
        # call to method used named parameters - put them into a hashref
        # and use the hashref parsing to do the rest
        if ( @input > @parts && @input % 2 == 0 ) {
            my %tmp = @input;
            @input = ( \%tmp );

	    # process hashed arguments
	    if ( ref($input[0]) eq 'HASH' ) {
	        my $args = shift(@input);
	        for ( my $i=0; $i<=$#parts; $i++ ) {
	            if ( !exists($args->{$parts[$i]}) ) {
	                croak "insufficient arguments to $method - '$parts[$i]' argument is missing";
	            else {
	                $command[$i + 1] = $args->{$parts[$i]};

	    # user sent us a list (presumably) already in the right order
	    else {
            splice( @command, @command, 0, @input );

    # get the current time for the command's timestamp
    my $time = '[' . time() . '] ';

    print "writing '", $time, join(';', @command), "' to command file ...\n"
        if ( $debug );

    # write to the command pipe
    flock( NAGIOS_CMD_FILE, LOCK_EX );
    my $retval = print NAGIOS_CMD_FILE $time, join(';', @command), "\n";
    flock( NAGIOS_CMD_FILE, LOCK_UN );

    # true if print succeeded
    return $retval;

    print "closing command file ...\n" if ( $debug );
    close( NAGIOS_CMD_FILE );

sub Help {
    my $func = shift;

    if ( !$func ) {
        foreach my $cmd ( keys(%commands) ) {
            print "$cmd(", join(', ', @{$commands{$cmd}}), ")\n";
    else {
        print "$func(", join(', ', @{$commands{$func}}), ")\n";

sub Commands {
    return \%commands;

=head1 NAME



Nagios::Cmd is a module to take care of the logistics involved in submitting a command to Nagios's command pipe.  flock(2) is used to insure that parallel calls to this module don't corrupt each other (unlikely in any case).

To turn on this module's debugging, set it's $debug directly before calling any methods:
 $Nagios::Cmd::debug = 1;

To get a list of valid commands and their arguments, run the following command:
 perl -MNagios::Cmd -e 'Nagios::Cmd::Help'
 perl -MNagios::Cmd -e 'Nagios::Cmd::Help(ADD_HOST_COMMENT)'

You might need to specify an include path for Nagios::Cmd since it most likely won't be in your standard perl include directories:
 perl -I/opt/nagios/libexec -MNagios::Cmd -e 'Nagios::Cmd::Help'


 use lib '/opt/nagios/libexec';
 use Nagios::Cmd;
 my $cmd = Nagios::Cmd->new( "/var/opt/nagios/rw/nagios.cmd" );

 my $cmd_args = {
    host => $host,
    persistent => 1,
    author => "Al Tobey",
    comment => "This host is very stable."
 $cmd->ADD_HOST_COMMENT( $cmd_args );

    host => $host,
    persistent => 1,
    author => "Al Tobey",
    comment => "This host is very stable."

 $cmd->ADD_HOST_COMMENT( $host, 1, "Al Tobey", "This host is very stable." );

 # -- OR --

 use lib '/opt/nagios/libexec';
 use Nagios::Cmd 'nagios_cmd';
 my $time = CORE::time(); # use CORE:: if you have Time::HiRes overriding time()

 # submit a custom command to the pipe
 nagios_cmd( "[$time] DEL_ALL_HOST_COMMENTS;localhost" );



=item new()

Initiate a Nagios::Cmd object.  It takes ony one argument, the full path to the
nagios command file.  If you want to test this module out, without submitting
all kinds of noise to Nagios, set $Nagios::Cmd::debug = 1, which will allow the
command file to be a regular file instead of a pipe.   You can also create a
test command file with the mknod(1) command.

 mknod -m 600 /var/tmp/nagios_cmd p

The cat(1) command works well as a reader on a fifo.

=item nagios_cmd()

By default, this subroutine is NOT exported.  See the example above if you don't
already know how to get it.  Use this command if you need to use a command that is
not defined in this module.  Adding commands to this module is pretty trivial, so you
may want to look at the %commands hash at the top of the file.

 nagios_cmd( "[".time()."] " . join(";", $COMMAND_NAME, @ARGS) );
 nagios_cmd( "[1063919882] DISABLE_HOST_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS;localhost" );

=head1 LICENSE


=head1 AUTHOR

Albert P Tobey <albert.tobey at>



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