Why separate hosts and services

Andreas Ericsson ae at op5.se
Fri Apr 16 13:22:38 CEST 2004

Chris Wilson wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
>>>For example, let's assume we have three services, A, B and C. A is a 
>>>meta-service, and B and C "depend" on it. A does not have any check of its 
>>>own; its state is entirely determined from the states of its dependent 
>>>services. If B and C both fail, then A is determined to have failed, and 
>>>not otherwise. 
>>This can be done today, using service dependancies.
>>>This is not the same as B and C both depending on A, because if B and C
>>>both fail, then how does one make A fail automatically in Nagios? I don't
>>>think it's possible, do you? 
>>Yes. What you're talking about is modifications to the core logic. 
>>Having plugins checking this would be 'the long way around'.
> I'm sorry, I don't understand. It looks to me like these two answers are 
> contradictory. It can be done today, and it requires changes to the core 
> logic?
Read the docs on service dependancies. It can be done today, but not 
exactly the way you want (hosts have to be there today, you suggest they 
don't). To make ALL the changes you suggested, one would have to modify 
the core logic, while parts of it can be done with the code that exists 
today. Please read the documentation (and source-code) properly, and 
you'll see what I mean.

> Cheers, Chris.

Mvh / Best Regards
Sourcerer / Andreas Ericsson
+46 (0)733 709032
andreas.ericsson at op5.se

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