another question

Andreas Ericsson ae at
Tue Jan 4 18:03:25 CET 2005

Joe Pruett wrote:
>>Yes, the difference is that files created by the webserver aren't group
>>nagioscmd and the webserver doesn't default to the nagioscmd group which
>>has implications beyond nagios if you're running other web apps on the
>>same machine.
> anything running under the web server will have the permissions of 
> nagioscmd.  so any php, ssi, cgi will have those perms and be able to 
> write to the nagios.cmd pipe.  my setup will allow any web process to 
> invoke cmd.cgi which seems like a lesser exposure.
>>I don't know what you believe the issue to be with the current
>>authentication system but IMHO, it's very simple and flexible as is and
>>works across a wide range of webservers with no special requirements
>>other than .htaccess support. .htaccess supports a wide range of
>>authentication mechanisms allowing for the administrator to choose the
>>auth mechanism that suits their environment best (PAM, LDAP, etc). Any
>>coded auth system is going to be much more limited.
> if nagios had its own auth mechanism, then cmd.cgi could verify that info
> and thereby eliminate the ability for random people to submit commands to
> nagios via any of the methods i mention above.  this all assumes a server
> that runs other applications.  if you have a dedicated nagios box, then
> things aren't as complicated.  also if you had a builtin auth mechanism,
> you could timeout sessions, control which functions various people can do
> (now that is just done by matching the web username to the nagios contact
> name), and eventually you'd be able to easily add/change/remove access via 
> the web interface.  i assume that long term nagios will have the ability 
> to add/change/remove objects via the web as well so all of this would tie 
> nicely together.

Feel free to start hacking. If you do it in a secure and clean manner 
I'm sure Ethan will include at least parts of it in the upcoming PHP gui.

Andreas Ericsson          at
OP5 AB                   
Lead Developer

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