Creating new plugin -- questions...

Braun Brelin bbrelin at
Thu Mar 10 19:19:37 CET 2005

Hello all,

this is my first time posting to this list.  I'm trying to create a
custom plugin that monitors an applications log file in real time. 

I'm unclear as to whether or not I can do this explicitly with a plugin
(the real time aspect). 

I'm running a Nagios 2.x management console that's getting data from a
production Linux system running nrpe.  The real time monitoring needs to
run on the production box.  

I'm trying to create the plugin (using Perl as my language) thus; 

1.  Create a daemon that actually monitors the log file. 
2.  On a specific event, the daemon will write status information to a
data file. 
3.  The plugin will read the data file at a specified interval and send
it back through the nrpe daemon to the nagios console.  

Is this the right way to go about it?  I don't quite see how to merge
the steps so that the plugin does all of the functionality in one
program.  Since the code needs to run in real time, for example, I can't
output any of the Nagios error codes since the daemon never quits unless
the entire system goes down. 

Thanks for your help.

Braun Brelin


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