Slow Starting of Nagios

Joseph Hardeman jwhardeman at
Mon Jan 9 13:36:48 CET 2006

Hi Everyone,

I had posted this to the main users group, but didn't get much back.

I am wondering if anyone knows how I may get Nagios to start faster and
check the configs faster.  I have a little over 9000 hosts and about 19500
services, wanting to add more services to poll bandwidth and other stuff,
and will be adding more hosts as they come online.  It is currently taking
around 25 minutes to start/check configs.  Plus it is taking around 2 hours
to check all hosts and services, a lot have only a fping/icmp check
currently.  I am setting up distributed checks on the remote sites main host
and have all of the other hosts at these sites as dependents on the main
hosts. Due to the amount of different devices this is taking me a while to
get setup.  It takes quite a while to go through the host and service
checks, it also takes quite a while to go through the circular checks on the
hosts and the dependencies.  I have it setup so that the individual hosts at
the site are dependent on the primary router and server at each site.  Then
I have setup dependencies on each the different services for each host to be
dependent on the ping return, once I have the distributed setup right, all
the checks will work within the time frame I need, at least according to the
tests I am running right now on about 20 hosts.

Also, does any one know if there is a limit to the amount of accepted_hosts
that NSCA can have in its config file?  I am running a perl script that
writes out the config, using a join to create the comma seperated hosts
lists, after it creates my config files for Nagios, but every time I try to
run nsca, I get an error:  "No variable value specified in config file
'/usr/local/nagios/etc/nsca.cfg' - Line XX".  This is always after the
allowed_hosts line.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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