Service dependencies

Dirk De Coninck dirk.deconinck at
Thu Jun 1 22:54:34 CEST 2006

Hi Ethan				

I tried your suggestion, but when I run the Nagios self test to
 check the sanity of the config files I get 3721 "Warning: Ignoring
 lame service dependency (config file '/usr/local/nagios/etc/dependencies
.cfg', line 41)" error messages.

All these errors were logged in the Nagios logfile when the process
 got restarded, but after about 15 seconds the process seemd to
 be running fine.

I tested the dependencies (blocked access to the NRPE port with
 iptables on the Nagios server), but the dependencies don't work
 and the server is really slowed down.

Kind reards,


- Dirk De Coninck (DirkDC)


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