nrpe RPM spec file bug(s)

SCHAER Frederic frederic.schaer at
Fri Dec 21 14:06:18 CET 2007



In the nagios spec file, the nagios user is added with command < useradd
-r > which creates a system account + system group.


In the nrpe spec file, there is first a standard groupadd on the Nagios
group, and then a useradd with the -r option for the user.

It looks to me that the first groupadd is then useless, isn't it ?


By the way : when the groupadd is run, there's a grep on the hardcoded
"nagios" value, while just after the %{nsgrp} is used to add the group,
which is also a bug I think...


Nevertheless, if the groupadd has to be kept, would it be possible to
use it also with the "-r" option ? This way, a system group would be

This would avoid conflicts with standard users/groups, and this would
also make things more consistent.


I can easily patch the spec file, but I'm using nrpe on a few hundred
machines, and I guess other people managing clusters may face the same
problem of GID conflicts that I just did, which could probably be easily
be avoided.... so here I'm sharing the problem and potential solution.


Thanks for patching && regards && merry Christmas ! :]


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