Nagios external commands

Tobias Mucke tobias.mucke at
Mon Jun 25 15:57:11 CEST 2007

Hi to all Nagios developers, hi Ethan,

I am programming a Nagios CLI and webservice for external commands. This will be one of the first parts of Nicaragua. Therefor I define external commands and their arguments in a XML file. Doing this with the help of your fine documentation at I experienced that SERVICE is always abbreviated by SVC, except in the following commands.


Besides PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT I am wondering why there is a command DISABLE_SERVICE_FLAP_DETECTION but the antagonist is called ENABLE_SVC_FLAP_DETECTION?

Is this a documentation issue? Are you interested in the XML schema of Nagios external commands? I would like to see an unique description of possible external commands and hand this over to the Nagios project.

Thanks for your answer in advance.


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