Additive inheritance and canceling inheritance issues

Shad L. Lords slords at
Fri Oct 12 23:41:21 CEST 2007

Following up on my previous message about additive inhereritance it appears 
that it only applies to the first used instance.  Here is an example config 
that fails.  There also appears to be an issue with canceling inheritance.

define host {
        name                            default
        check_command                   check_host_alive
        max_check_attempts              3
        check_period                    24x7
        flap_detection_enabled          1
        process_perf_data               0
        retain_status_information       1
        retain_nonstatus_information    1
        notification_interval           30
        notification_options            d,r,f
        notifications_enabled           1
        register                        0

define host {
        name            A6
        hostgroups      +rhg_A6
        parents         SW-CAB_A6
        register        0

define host {
        name                    24x7
        notification_period     24x7
        register                0

define host {
        name            sec
        hostgroups      +nhg_sec
        contact_groups  +cg_sec1
        register        0

define host {
        use             default,A6,24x7,sec
        host_name       dwsoms1
        alias           OMS 1
        address         theip
        parents         null

What I'd like to have the end resulting object be is:

hostgroups rhg_A6, nhg_sec
contact_groups cg_sec1
notification_period 24x7
no parents defined

I end up with an object that has:

hostgroups rhg_A6
contact_groups cg_sec1
notification_period 24x7
parents SW-CAB_A6

If I add a "hostgroups +nhg_sec" line to the last host then it doesn't add 
nhg_sec to the hostgroups instead it replaces it and I end up with only 
nhg_sec.  However if I change the "use default,A6,24x7,sec" to "use 
A6,default,24x7,sec" then I do get both hostgroups listed.

Hope this helps track down some potential issues,


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