Error in NDOUtils

cristhiano at cristhiano at
Fri Sep 21 21:40:37 CEST 2007

In my log:

[1190402216] Nagios 3.0b3 starting... (PID=30497)
[1190402216] LOG VERSION: 2.0
[1190402216] ndomod: NDOMOD 1.4b5 (08-29-2007) Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Ethan
Galstad (nagios at
[1190402216] ndomod: I've been compiled with support for revision 305 of the
internal Nagios object structures, but the Nagios daemon is currently using
revision 306.  I'm going to unload so I don't cause any problems...
[1190402216] Error: Function nebmodule_init() in module
'/usr/local/nagios3/bin/ndomod-3x.o' returned an error.  Module will
be unloaded.

If edit e recompile:

include/nagios-3x/objects.h:#define CURRENT_OBJECT_STRUCTURE_VERSION        306 
   /* increment when changes are made to data structures... */

Not work too.

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