ndoutils with zlib

Tilo Renz trenz at tagwork-one.de
Mon Dec 15 19:01:37 CET 2008

Hello list,

Concerning the introduction of zlib into ndoutils, I did some homework.

I uploaded an intermediate version of ndoutils, showing just the first part of the refactoring process: Moving the ndomod-Configuration Parser to separate files.
It's available at http://joey.in-ulm.de/2008/ndoutils/#development

Also, Andreas Ericsson asked for numbers, showing the performance improvement. 
http://joey.in-ulm.de/2008/ndoutils/#results shows a drastic reduction of network traffic after activating  compression. 

Andreas Ericson furhter suggested using minilzo instead of zlib.
Although I believe minilzo is a cool lib, I won't port the current solution to minilzo because
- the current solution with zlib is working.
- zlib is widely available
- zlib autodetects uncompressed data
- even without zlib, ndoutils compile & work (but uncompressed).
- zlib has utilility functions for reading/writing from/to streams
- easy testing with "netcat -l | zless"

I don't know how many of these features are supported by minilzo too. 
I clearly see the advantages including compression at source-, instead of library-level, but I am not motivated to do this port. 

Please review my changes, there still is the .configure-Problem! 
config.h.in #DEFINEs the global USE_ZLIB and HAVE_ZLIB, but I cannot figure out how ./configure can set them, if zlib.h is available.

thanks for your time & patience,


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