multi-line regex host exceptions silently ignored

Frost, Mark {PBG} mark.frost1 at
Wed Jun 4 23:22:58 CEST 2008

While setting up some services using hostgroups and the host exceptions,
I noticed an unexpected behavior today.

When I had

	define service {
        hostgroup_name  my_host_group
        host_name      !host_a, !host_b, !host_c
        host_name      !host_d, !host_e, !host_f
        host_name      !host_g

all exceptions except the very last one were ignored.  That is, the
actual checked host list was "my_host_group - host_g".  What was
unexpected to me was that the pre-flight check did not balk at my
multi-line host_name definitions.  If I had done something wrong, I
expected an error or warning.

But then if I changed the host_name line to have a single line of
exceptions, things worked as I expected where all excepted hosts did not
run the check.

	define service {
	        hostgroup_name  my_host_group
	        host_name      !host_a, !host_b, !host_c, !host_d,
!host_e, !host_f, !host_g

I'm running Nagios 3.0.1.  In my nagios.cfg I have


Anyway, thought I'd point this out.



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