Bug and Patch - Links in Hostgroup Summary

Mathieu Gagné mgagne at iweb.com
Wed Jun 25 19:52:53 CEST 2008

In "Hostgroup Summary", some links to hosts' status are wrong. They link 
to a complete "Service Status" when it should be a "Host Status" only.

So if there is 3 hosts (without services) DOWN in a hostgroup, I can't 
get the "Host Status" for all hosts DOWN of the hostgroup since there is 
no service defined.

Attached is a patch that fixes this problem.

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An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...
Name: hostgroups-status-summary-hostdetail.patch
URL: <https://www.monitoring-lists.org/archive/developers/attachments/20080625/9540d8d2/attachment.ksh>
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