Bug and (loosely related) patch: Nagios 3.2.1 config.cgi, commands with $ARGs$

Jochen Bern Jochen.Bern at LINworks.de
Wed Aug 25 13:58:39 CEST 2010

On 08/24/2010 11:30 PM, Jochen Bern wrote:
> Having that said, and after seeing too many people unable to do $ARGn$
> substitution correctly in their head or with pen and paper, I wrote a
> patch for config.c which makes the links display the appropriate
> "expansion" right away.

-- Improved Command Expansion
   -- Non-$ARGn$ macros and $$'s are now color coded, too
   -- Better coverage of error cases
-- Reused expand= parameter to add functionality to other display_*()s'
   output (mostly "list only object with that name", but services and
   service dependencies match *host* names, for decently-sized lists)
-- Changed a bunch of hyperlinks so as to use that functionality

(From a debugging perspective, the best approach would IMHO be to have
expand-to-execute and expand-to-inspect done by the *exact same* macro
handling functions. However, the preexisting macro expanders don't have
a debug mode, and config.cgi would need to do a *lot* of majick to get a
reasonable list of $HOST*$ and $SERVICE*$ macros' values for a full
expansion, so that's rather unlikely to happen ...)

Kind regards,
								J. Bern
Jochen Bern, Systemingenieur --- LINworks GmbH <http://www.LINworks.de/>
Postfach 100121, 64201 Darmstadt | Robert-Koch-Str. 9, 64331 Weiterstadt
PGP (1024D/4096g) FP = D18B 41B1 16C0 11BA 7F8C DCF7 E1D5 FAF4 444E 1C27
Tel. +49 6151 9067-231, Zentr. -0, Fax -299 - Amtsg. Darmstadt HRB 85202
Unternehmenssitz Weiterstadt, Geschäftsführer Metin Dogan, Oliver Michel
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