CVS, SVN, and GIT - Oh My!

Ethan Galstad egalstad at
Mon Oct 4 05:33:22 CEST 2010

There's been a few mentions of switching to git for the Nagios Core
code.  The original plan a while back was to switch from CVS to Git
"Real Soon Now" (tm), but I was the major holdup because I didn't have
time to learn Yet Another Source Code Management System.

Since my time never gets any freer, CVS is king for Nagios Core for the
foreseeable future.  I can easily handle CVS and SVN, but I don't have
enough free time to wrap my head around the Git and Bazaar concepts to
ensure they would actually work for me for Core.

You Git guys seem to have things figured out with all the
cloning/mastering/etc you do.  As long as you can send unified diffs,
the Nagios universe is in good shape.

Git and SVN are enabled on the SourceForge project, so they can be used
for future sub-projects that come up.  For instance, the new V-Shell UI
will be residing in SVN in the next week or so.

P.S. Flame me all you want over the next few hours on my Git
non-conversion!  Our email provider's MX DNS record got temporarily
blown away this weekend, so I've been happily missing a good portion of
the emails that normally come in. I'm half hoping it never gets fixed. :-)

Ethan Galstad
Father of Nagios
Email:  egalstad at|com

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