[PATCH] Fix default value for enable_environment_macros

Andreas Ericsson ae at op5.se
Sat Jan 12 01:32:44 CET 2013

On 01/11/2013 07:21 PM, Paul Dubuc wrote:
> Daniel Wittenberg wrote:
>> On Jan 11, 2013, at 11:08 AM, Andreas Ericsson wrote:
>>> On 01/11/2013 02:43 PM, Ton Voon wrote:
>>>> On 11 Jan 2013, at 12:17, Andreas Ericsson wrote:
>>>>> On 01/10/2013 11:31 PM, Ton Voon wrote:
>>>>>> However, even with this set to true, it looks like Nagios 4 doesn't
>>>>>> set the envvars. In host/service checks, it looks like no envvars
>>>>>> are set. Is there a technical reason why this is not done, or is
>>>>>> this a bug?
>>>>> The technical reason is twofold: I'm lazy, and environment macros
>>>>> cause a lot of additional problems for anything but very small
>>>>> systems, while providing a mediocre benefit at best.
>>>>> The problem people have been seeing with Nagios 3 where certain
>>>>> checks fail to run when they add an extra service to a servicegroup
>>>>> is due to environment macros being enabled and the environment space
>>>>> being eaten.
>>>>> To enable them again means transferring the entire environment to the
>>>>> designated worker process, parsing it from there and setting it in a
>>>>> new heap which we pass to execvpe().
>>>>> Since we will always pay *all* overhead for all checks but very, very
>>>>> few of them use more than one or two of the variables set, the
>>>>> benefit really isn't worth the additional overhead.
>>>> I think this "bug" is a blocker for upgrading to Nagios 4 since certain
>>>> checks/notification scripts/event handlers expect the environment
>>>> variables to be set.'
>> Really?  I can't think of the last time I ran into a setup that the only
>> way to use a check/script was as environment variables.  It's way more
>> efficient, and I think easier, to just pass the few params you normally
>> need as command-line options.  Even for things like Oracle I just set local
>> env options in the script or use one of the scripts that lets you pass in
>> what ORACLE_HOME and stuff should be.
> I set enable_environment_macros to 0 to avoid the overhead mentioned.  For
> command that need environment variables set, we put them in the command object
> definition.  For example, setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
> define command{
>       command_name    gatewayTest
>       command_line    \
>           LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$USER31$/omni/$_SERVICE_OMNI_VERSION$/lib \
>           $USER32$/bin/gatewayTest \
>           -S $SERVICEDESC$ -t $_SERVICE_TIMEOUT$ \
>           $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$ $ARG5$ $ARG6$
> }
> Will this not work in Nagios 4?

Ah. Actually, it won't, but it's fairly easily fixed. I'll get on that
on monday. Or tomorrow if it rains in sweden.

It might work to do

  /bin/sh LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$USER31$/... <command>

but I'm not entirely sure.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson at op5.se
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Tel: +46 8-230225                  Fax: +46 8-230231

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