[naemon-dev] Dynamic Object Creation

Daniel Ziegler info at nook24.eu
Mon May 18 18:02:46 CEST 2015

Hi all,

Am 2015-05-18 12:56, schrieb Andreas Ericsson:
> Yes. The dev-2.0 branch contains the start of it, in splitting out
> creation and registration of objects to separate functions.
> The main headache is that modules need to be adapted to handle the
> object configuration changing after they're loaded. Currently,
> livestatus and merlin will both crash when objects are either added
> or removed.

How is the implementation of new created dynamic objects planed?
I guess if you add a new NEB callback its very easy for broker modules
to handle dynamic created objects. The broker module code, just need to
register the new callback and can do whatever it needs to do like in 
example: https://gist.github.com/nook24/0bc50bd43fd03c7d57ff

With this new callback the broker modules are able to work with Naemon 
Nagios as well with a simple if condition.


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