[naemon-users] Announcement: Naemon 0.9.1 out

Andreas Ericsson ageric79 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 17:27:08 CET 2015

Hey guys.

Just wanted to let everyone know that we've just released Naemon 0.9.1.
0.9.0 got lost because I accidentally broke the buildsystem.

Everyone who's using 0.8.x or an unstable version should upgrade, as
a lot of patches were merged in after the christmas/new years holiday.

This is an interim release as we had a lot of bugfixes that needed to
get released. The next one will be 1.0. Most of the code for that
one is already done, but it may break a few modules that you're used
to having working, like DNX and NDOUtils. Merlin, Livestatus and
mod_gearman are already patched to work well with Naemon 1.0, so
assuming you update or already run a decently recent version of
those modules, you won't have to change anything there.

http://www.naemon.org has download links, as well as links to the
changelog, which is included here for everyone too lazy to click
things ;-)

Please report any bugs here or at the appropriate project under
http://github.com/naemon/ and we'll make sure to get them fixed

A big thanks to everyone involved, and a belated Happy New Year
to absolutely everyone :-)

Code Contributors:
Robin Sonefors
Sven Nierlein
Andreas Ericsson
Anton Lofgren
Max Sikström
Ricardo Maraschini
Andreas Boesl
Mathias Kettner
Sebastian Hahn
Daniel Wittenberg
Johan Ryberg
Franky Van Liedekerke
Julian Brost
Mikael Falkvidd
Sven Velt

The config option include_dir allows you to specify a dropdir where main 
configuration files can be read from. This should help module authors 
quite a bit.
We now have pkgconfig support, making it easier to create build- and 
install systems for modules.

Workers are now prevented from becoming zombies
Workers should be choked far less often
Check scheduling will now always be consistently done
Checks should clump up a lot less, keeping system load smoother
Several crash-on-close with corner-case configurations are fixed
Several small memory leaks are fixed
Check output should no longer be lost unless the kernel drops it due to 
out-of-memory errors
We will now always shut down fairly gracefully on OOM errors
Workers should no longer cause zombies to appear
Several fixes have been made to make building on OSX work better
Submitting passive check results for in-flight active checks will no 
longer cause crashes


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