outages.cgi permission problem.

Bishop, Dean dean.bishop at tcdsb.org
Tue Aug 13 19:40:04 CEST 2002

actually i found my problem about 10 minutes after i  sent the e-mail.

my problem was in cgi.cfg.  i still had the
authorized_for_all_services/hosts and
authorized_for_all_service/host_commands commented out.

it seems a bit strange to me that this outage.cgi was the only thing i saw
affected.  Currently i only have one user, my nagiosadmin.  i just assumed
that he would have all access.

guess not.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth.ray [mailto:kenneth.ray at travelersla.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 12:30 PM
To: dean.bishop at tcdsb.org
Subject: RE:outages.cgi permission problem.

if all the CGI's were compiled at the same time ? check permissions on
the file itself. if no go there, check your server logs. I would bet
it's calling a file that is not set up correctly for permissions.
status.log maybe? I know on my version that nagios.lock never gets
deleted no matter how i shut it down cause for some odd reason it gets
created with whoever i fired the process up with..


Message: 7
From: "Bishop, Dean" <dean.bishop at tcdsb.org>
To: "'nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net'"
         <nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 09:47:19 -0400
Subject: [Nagios-users] outages.cgi permission problem.

Good morning,

  k, so every other cgi works just fine.  But for some reason i keep

It appears as though you do not have permission to view information you

messages when i try to view the "Network Outages".

Anyone have a thought?

below is my cgi.cfg.

thanks in advance,

# CGI.CFG - Sample CGI Configuration File for Nagios 1.0b3
# Last Modified: 05-30-2002

# This tells the CGIs where to find your main configuration file.
# The CGIs will read the main and host config files for any other
# data they might need.


# This is the path where the HTML files for Nagios reside.  This
# value is used to locate the logo images needed by the statusmap
# and statuswrl CGIs.


# This is the path portion of the URL that corresponds to the
# physical location of the Nagios HTML files (as defined above).
# This value is used by the CGIs to locate the online documentation
# and graphics.  If you access the Nagios pages with an URL like
# http://www.myhost.com/nagios, this value should be '/nagios'
# (without the quotes).


# This option determines whether or not a context-sensitive
# help icon will be displayed for most of the CGIs.
# Values: 0 = disables context-sensitive help
#         1 = enables context-sensitive help


# This is the full path and filename of the program used to check
# the status of the Nagios process.  It is used only by the CGIs
# and is completely optional.  However, if you don't use it, you'll
# see warning messages in the CGIs about the Nagios process
# not running and you won't be able to execute any commands from
# the web interface.  The program should follow the same rules
# as plugins; the return codes are the same as for the plugins,
# it should have timeout protection, it should output something
# to STDIO, etc.
# Note: If you are using the check_nagios plugin here, the first
# argument should be the physical path to the status log, the
# second argument is the number of minutes that the status log
# contents should be "fresher" than, and the third argument is the
# string that should be matched from the output of the 'ps'
# command in order to locate the running Nagios process.  That
# process string is going to vary depending on how you start
# Nagios.  Run the 'ps' command manually to see what the command
# line entry for the Nagios process looks like.

/usr/local/nagios/var/status.log 5 '/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios'

# This option controls whether or not the CGIs will use any
# authentication when displaying host and service information, as
# well as committing commands to Nagios for processing.
# Read the HTML documentation to learn how the authorization works!
# NOTE: It is a really *bad* idea to disable authorization, unless
# you plan on removing the command CGI (cmd.cgi)!  Failure to do
# so will leave you wide open to kiddies messing with Nagios and
# possibly hitting you with a denial of service attack by filling up
# your drive by continuously writing to your command file!
# Setting this value to 0 will cause the CGIs to *not* use
# authentication (bad idea), while any other value will make them
# use the authentication functions (the default).


# Setting this variable will define a default user name that can
# access pages without authentication.  This allows people within a
# secure domain (i.e., behind a firewall) to see the current status
# without authenticating.  You may want to use this to avoid basic
# authentication if you are not using a sercure server since basic
# authentication transmits passwords in the clear.
# Important:  Do not define a default username unless you are
# running a secure web server and are sure that everyone who has
# access to the CGIs has been authenticated in some manner!  If you
# define this variable, anyone who has not authenticated to the web
# server will inherit all rights you assign to this user!


# This option is a comma-delimited list of all usernames that
# have access to viewing the Nagios process information as
# provided by the Extended Information CGI (extinfo.cgi).  By
# default, *no one* has access to this unless you choose to
# not use authorization.  You may use an asterisk (*) to
# authorize any user who has authenticated to the web server.


# This option is a comma-delimited list of all usernames that
# can view ALL configuration information (hosts, commands, etc).
# By default, users can only view configuration information
# for the hosts and services they are contacts for. You may use
# an asterisk (*) to authorize any user who has authenticated
# to the web server.


# This option is a comma-delimited list of all usernames that
# can issue shutdown and restart commands to Nagios via the
# command CGI (cmd.cgi).  Users in this list can also change
# the program mode to active or standby. By default, *no one*
# has access to this unless you choose to not use authorization.
# You may use an asterisk (*) to authorize any user who has
# authenticated to the web server.


# These two options are comma-delimited lists of all usernames that
# can view information for all hosts and services that are being
# monitored.  By default, users can only view information
# for hosts or services that they are contacts for (unless you
# you choose to not use authorization). You may use an asterisk (*)
# to authorize any user who has authenticated to the web server.


# These two options are comma-delimited lists of all usernames that
# can issue host or service related commands via the command
# CGI (cmd.cgi) for all hosts and services that are being monitored.
# By default, users can only issue commands for hosts or services
# that they are contacts for (unless you you choose to not use
# authorization).  You may use an asterisk (*) to authorize any
# user who has authenticated to the web server.


# This is all entirely optional.  If you don't enter any extended
# information, nothing bad will happen - I promise...  Its basically
# just used to have pretty icons and such associated with your hosts.
# This is especially nice when you're using the statusmap and
# statuswrl CGIs.  You can also specify an URL that links to a document
# containing more information about the host (location details, contact
# information, etc).

# <notes_url>        = Optional URL that points to a document of
#                      some type containing information on the host.
#                      The information (and the document type) can
#                      be anything you want.  Examples include details
#                      on the physical location of the server, info
#                      on how to contact the admins in case of an
#                      emergency, etc.  Relative URLs start in the
#                      same path that is used to access the CGIs.
#                      The link that is created for the host's notes
#                      notes is found in the extinfo CGI.
#                      Note: You may use the $HOSTNAME$ and
#                      $HOSTADDRESS$ macros in this URL.
# <icon_image>       = A GIF, PNG, or JPG image to associate with
#                      the host.  This is used in the status and
#                      extinfo CGIs.
# <vrml_image>       = An image to use in the statuswrl CGI in the
#                      VRML generation.  Transparent images don't
#                      work so great..
# <gd2_image>        = A GD2 format image used by the statusmap CGI
#                      to represent the host.  PNG images can be
#                      converted to GD2 format by using the 'pngtogd2'
#                      utility supplied with Boutell's gd library.
# <image_alt>        = ALT tag used with PNG, GIF, and GD2 images
#                      in the status, statusmap, and extinfo CGIs
# <x_2d>,<y_2d>      = X and Y coordinates used when drawing the
#                      host in the statusmap CGI.  (0,0) is located
#                      in the upper left corner of the screen and is
#                      considered to be the origin.  The coordinates
#                      you supply here are used as the coords of the
#                      upper left hand corner of host icon.  Both
#                      numbers should be positive integers.
# <x_3d>,<y_3d>,<z_3d> = X, Y, and Z coordinates used when drawing
#                      the host in the statuswrl (VRML) CGI.  All
#                      numbers can be positive or negative (anywhere
#                      in 3-D space).  The coordinates are used to
#                      determine the center of the host "cube" that
#                      is drawn. Host "cubes" are drawn with a
#                      height, width, and depth of 0.5 (meters).
# Note: All images must be placed in the /logos subdirectory under
# the HTML images path (i.e. /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos/).
# This path is automatically determined by appending "/images/logos"
# to the path specified by the 'physical_html_path' directive.


l40.gd2;IntranetWare 4.11;100,50;3.5,0.0,-1.5;

Server 4.0;;;

# This is all entirely optional.  If you don't enter any extended
# information, nothing bad will happen - I promise...  Its basically
# just used to have pretty icons and such associated with your services.

# You can also specify an URL that links to a document containing more
# information about the service (location details, contact information,
# etc).

# <notes_url>        = Optional URL that points to a document of
#                      some type containing information on the service.
#                      The information (and the document type) can
#                      be anything you want.  Examples include details
#                      on the physical location of the server, info
#                      on how to contact the admins in case of an
#                      emergency, etc.  Relative URLs start in the
#                      same path that is used to access the CGIs.
#                      The link that is created for the service's
#                      notes URL is found in the extinfo CGI.
#                      Note: You may use the $HOSTNAME$, $HOSTADDRESS$,
#                      and $SERVICEDESC$ macros in this URL.
# <icon_image>       = A GIF, PNG, or JPG image to associate with
#                      the service.  This is used in the status and
#                      extinfo CGIs.
# <image_alt>        = ALT tag used with image
# Note: All images must be placed in the /logos subdirectory under
# the HTML images path (i.e. /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos/).
# This path is automatically determined by appending "/images/logos"
# to the path specified by the 'physical_html_path' directive.


ESS$;;PING rate
#serviceextinfo[rosie;Security Alerts]=;security.gif;Security alerts

# This option allows you to specify an image to be used as a
# background in the statusmap CGI.  It is assumed that the image
# resides in the HTML images path (i.e. /usr/local/nagios/share/images).

# This path is automatically determined by appending "/images"
# to the path specified by the 'physical_html_path' directive.
# Note:  The image file must be in GD2 format!


# This option allows you to specify the default layout method
# the statusmap CGI should use for drawing hosts.  If you do
# not use this option, the default is to use user-defined
# coordinates.  Valid options are as follows:
#       0 = User-defined coordinates
#       1 = Depth layers
#       2 = Collapsed tree
#       3 = Balanced tree
#       4 = Circular
#       5 = Circular (Marked Up)


# This option allows you to specify the default layout method
# the statuswrl (VRML) CGI should use for drawing hosts.  If you
# do not use this option, the default is to use user-defined
# coordinates.  Valid options are as follows:
#       0 = User-defined coordinates
#       2 = Collapsed tree
#       3 = Balanced tree
#       4 = Circular


# This option allows you to include your own objects in the
# generated VRML world.  It is assumed that the file
# resides in the HTML path (i.e. /usr/local/nagios/share).


# This option determines what syntax should be used when
# attempting to ping a host from the WAP interface (using
# the statuswml CGI.  You must include the full path to
# the ping binary, along with all required options.  The
# $HOSTADDRESS$ macro is substituted with the address of
# the host before the command is executed.

ping_syntax=/bin/ping -n -U -c 5 $HOSTADDRESS$

# This option allows you to specify the refresh rate in seconds
# of various CGIs (status, statusmap, extinfo, and outages).


# These options allow you to specify an optional audio file
# that should be played in your browser window when there are
# problems on the network.  The audio files are used only in
# the status CGI.  Only the sound for the most critical problem
# will be played.  Order of importance (higher to lower) is as
# follows: unreachable hosts, down hosts, critical services,
# warning services, and unknown services. If there are no
# visible problems, the sound file optionally specified by
# 'normal_sound' variable will be played.
# <varname>=<sound_file>
# Note: All audio files must be placed in the /media subdirectory
# under the HTML path (i.e. /usr/local/nagios/share/media/).


# Note: These config directives are only used if you compiled
# in database support for extended data!
# The user you specify here only needs SELECT privileges on the
# 'hostextinfo' table in the database.


# DB STATUS DATA (Read-Only For CGIs)
# Note: These config directives are only used if you compiled
# in database support for status data!
# The user you specify here only needs SELECT privileges on the
# 'programstatus', 'hoststatus', and 'servicestatus' tables
# in the database, as these values are only used by the CGIs.
# The core program will read the directives you specify in
# in a resource file.


# DB COMMENT DATA (Read-Only For CGIs)
# Note: These config directives are only used if you compiled
# in database support for comment data!
# The user you specify here only needs SELECT privileges on the
# 'hostcomments', and 'servicecomments' tables in the database,
# as these values are only used by the CGIs.  The core program
# will read the directives you specify in a resource file.


# Note: These config directives are only used if you compiled
# in database support for downtime data!
# The user you specify here only needs SELECT privileges on the
# 'hostdowntime', and 'servicedowntime' tables in the database,
# as these values are only used by the CGIs.  The core program
# will read the directives you specify in a resource file.


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