Config file messiness

Scott lists.scott at
Wed Aug 14 12:31:25 CEST 2002

Hi every1 :)

Anybody have a neat way of setting up hosts and services on nagios.

I started by using the sample layouts but actually moved to a system which seems to be neater but probably more complex.

This is the layout at present

/etc/ - contains config data.. eg. nagios.cfg
/etc/locations - contains service_pingall.cfg


for those of you outside Australia (I presume most of you) these are a list of a few capital cities where we have pops or proxy servers installed.

Inside these directories I contain a file for each host to be configured, this includes the host information and any services to be configured with them.

making the files rather large be defining the defaults as a template is also tedious but changing all the files at this stage is going to be a long and tedious task.

Anybody have a nicer way of doing this?

Would it be better to implement a database type structure or would this slow the system down too much?

anyway, any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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