Nagios and VPN clients

bosse at bosse at
Mon Nov 11 00:05:38 CET 2002

Um, here's a workaround: Deploy SSH servers (cheap outdated PC with plain
Debian and SSH is perfect) on client sites, restrict SSH access to these
machines on the client firewalls to allow only your HQ's network IP's, and
add some extra security measures if you're paranoid. Then you can use the
Nagios libexec command for doing checks via SSH.

If that's not possible, then you should look into putting up a network
gateway to these VPN's, if they are standard IPSEC. Look at the
documentation for your current firewall, or make your own with Linux


> Gidday,
> We have an upcoming need to expand our Nagios monitoring to
> cover clients with VPN's. Has anyone worked out a means of
> deploying Nagios to monitor such clients ?
> As you know, you have to be a participant in the VPN to be able
> to monitor.
> Thanks.
> Andrew
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