Using Sendmail with MS Exchange

Marcus Nilsson marcus.nilsson at
Tue Nov 26 06:58:23 CET 2002

I am having the same problem. I have given up on tweaking sendmail, 
instead im trying to use Mutt for sending mail from command line since 
Mutt can use another MTA that localhost. I know that Pine can send mail 
from command line as well (and I have successfully done so). I know that 
this principle will work but I have not had the time to configure it 
yet. Anyone using this way or any other solution involving sending mail 
via an exchange server, please share your experiences ;)

/ Marcus

Robertson, Brown wrote:

> I realize this isn?t an explicit Nagios issue, but perhaps due to it?s 
> implicit nature, I can get some help from you pros. I?m trying to use 
> nagios to send notifications using sendmail. My problem is that I need 
> these messages sent to our MS Exchange 2000 server which functions as 
> the companies? major MTA and communications server. Does anyone know any 
> links that might have some tips on how to properly configure 
> in this configuration? Or are there perhaps any better ideas? Thanks in 
> advance.
> Brown Robertson

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