"Strange" Availability Report output

Moser Wolfgang w.moser at conova.com
Tue Oct 15 14:08:56 CEST 2002


I have problems to read the output of the Availability Report!!

Can anyone tell me what the rows and columns in this table actually mean???
What does Unscheduled / Scheduled in the column Type/Reason mean??
To which time the columns "Total Time"  and  "Known Time" are relatet?
("Total Time" since Nagios is running or the time I request?)
("Known Time" the time I request which is covered with information from 
the logs?)
What means the row "Undetermined", especially Insufficient  Data ??
Nagios ot running seems not be the right value??
e.g if i request the report on a service from yesterday (where I know it 
was up all the time) I get this output!!
Why is the column "Time" only 7h althoug the service was up 100% (I 
would expect 24h),
and Nagios wasnt running for 16h ??????????

State Type / Reason Time % Total Time % Known Time
OK Unscheduled 0d 7h 11m 41s 29.978% 100.000%
Scheduled 0d 0h 0m 0s 0.000% 0.000%
Total 0d 7h 11m 41s 29.978% 100.000%
WARNING Unscheduled 0d 0h 0m 0s 0.000% 0.000%
Scheduled 0d 0h 0m 0s 0.000% 0.000%
Total 0d 0h 0m 0s 0.000% 0.000%
UNKNOWN Unscheduled 0d 0h 0m 0s 0.000% 0.000%
Scheduled 0d 0h 0m 0s 0.000% 0.000%
Total 0d 0h 0m 0s 0.000% 0.000%
CRITICAL Unscheduled 0d 0h 0m 0s 0.000% 0.000%
Scheduled 0d 0h 0m 0s 0.000% 0.000%
Total 0d 0h 0m 0s 0.000% 0.000%
Undetermined Nagios Not Running 0d 16h 48m 19s 70.022%
Insufficient Data 0d 0h 0m 0s 0.000%
Total 0d 16h 48m 19s 70.022%

All Total 1d 0h 0m 0s 100.000% 100.000%

The next table is not related to the one above!!
What does in the column "Time OK" the values 36.284% (99.891%) mean???
This is a request over the last 7 days!

State Breakdowns For Host Services:
Service % Time OK % Time Warning % Time Unknown % Time Critical % Time 
disk / 
36.284% (99.891%) 0.000% (0.000%) 0.000% (0.000%) 0.040% (0.109%) 63.676%
disk /opt 
45.961% (99.806%) 0.000% (0.000%) 0.000% (0.000%) 0.089% (0.194%) 53.949%
disk /usr 
38.832% (69.725%) 0.000% (0.000%) 0.000% (0.000%) 16.861% (30.275%) 44.307%
disk /var 
28.971% (100.000%) 0.000% (0.000%) 0.000% (0.000%) 0.000% (0.000%) 71.029%

It really need explanation, to be able to read it logically!!
Please help me


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