just what can you do with a database?

Bishop, Dean dean.bishop at tcdsb.org
Tue Oct 15 19:07:48 CEST 2002

Good morning folks,

	i have seen lots o' people using the database option for Nagios.

Frankly i just plainly don't know anything about databases and i am
wondering how it is beneficial.

So, are the databases used to store the configuration or the results?

i am just about to jump in and find a way of determining just what is down
at certain points of time.  The way nagios works i can only determine if
specified hosts or hostgroups are down.

Basically i need more powerful reporting.  Is this something that a database
can provide me?

Also can this be done without alot of database experience?  i guess i am
looking for a turn-key solution to my reporting.

thanks in advance,

dream outloud

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