Apan Configurations

Erkki Kukk erkki_k at ut.ee
Tue Oct 29 12:30:11 CET 2002


Its great to see that someone is finally dealing with graphing the
And for me Apan works fine. But I dont like that it does all the checks by
hostname :(  I think it is much better to check by ip
address, like nagios does.


> I am currently working on an HOWTO section in the docs on Apans homepage.
> Here's the short one (assuming tou have installed the files and defined the command):
> 1) Define a sevice in Nagios with apan as check_command and the plugin-name as first argument;
> define service{
> host_name                      server
> service_description            Ping
> ...
> check_command                  apan!ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%
> ...
> }
> 2) Create a RRD_file
> rrdtool create /usr/local/nagios/rrd/server_Ping.rrd -s 60 DS:ping:GAUGE:300:0:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:50400 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:60:43800
> 3) Define the serice in apan.cfg
> server;Ping;/usr/local/nagios/rrd/server_ping.rrd;ping;ping:LINE2;Ping round-trip time;Secondsefine the serice in apan.cfg
> 4) Add a URL and icon to the service
> define serviceextinfo{
> host_name               server
> service_description     Ping
> notes_url               /nagios/cgi-bin/apan.cgi?host=server&service=Ping
> icon_image              graph.png
> ...
> }
> /FredrikW

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