performance data from plugins - does it exist?

Daniel Wittenberg daniel-wittenberg at
Thu Sep 12 22:06:01 CEST 2002

I could be wrong, but I would imagine we could probably come up with a
list of "standard" performance-related measurements for every server,
which would make things pretty standard from module to module.  There
are always going to be specifics for some modules, but I think a good
first step might be to identify the common stats, and then we can see
what needs to be done for the other modules.


On Thu, 2002-09-12 at 12:32, atonns at wrote:
> Since I started this thread...
> Another thing to consider is what metrics to measure / keep?
> For example, a 3rd party monitoring service we use here keeps statistics on
> these metrics for HTTP:
>  DNS Lookup Time
>  Connection Time 
>  First Byte 
>  Content Download 
>  Redirect time 

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