Loss of nagios-Log-File

Martin Stingl html-kurs at gmx.de
Mon Sep 16 14:58:39 CEST 2002

Hello List,

I've got a problem with the archive of nagios.log-files
(in /usr/local/nagios/var/archives):
For the second time now the content of a logfile is only
[1032040799] LOG ROTATION: DAILY
Which is 
[Log Rotation] [14-09-2002 23:59:59] LOG ROTATION: DAILY
in the web-interface.

Time synchonisation of this computers is done at 4am and not at midnight.
So nagios should not be confused.

I'm using Version 1.0b5 on Linux.

Does anybody has a hint, why this happens?

Thanks a lot,

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