many nagios processes start and quit

Daniel Geske daniel.geske at
Tue Sep 17 17:25:51 CEST 2002

Hi again,

how about if the processes don't exit anymore?
I have turned off notifications in the web interface and restarted.
Oh, and here's some weird behaviour: in the nagios.cfg file I set
performance data and flap detection to "0" which means do not process
performance data and do not detect flapping services.
Now, on the web interface both of these settings are ON instead of off.
Since I switched them to OFF on the web interface, they're really OFF, at
least I think so. On the performance data tab I still get values. I have no
idea where they come from, because after turning perfdata off I deleted the
files that go with it, too.
Anyway, these 3 changes are all I did to nagios, I reloaded/restarted it and
it keeps on coming up with new processes. By now I've got 537 nagios
processes running.
How can I turn this off? Now it's 579 already.
I will shut nagios down until I have received an answer.

Thank you! I hope to hear from anybody soon. Sincerely

Daniel (598! Ohh!)

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