snmp monitoring[OT]

Subhendu Ghosh sghosh at
Wed Feb 5 16:55:46 CET 2003

Attached is a cisco power/temp/fan monitor.  It is going to be merged 
with a similar juniper monitor and is not in the distrib as yet.

check_bgpstate in the contrib dir can monitor the bgp peering 
relationships on any router.


On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Atul Gosain wrote:

> Hi
> Im monitoring cisco server through Nagios. I have to monitor temperature 
> and other environmental variables for cisco. Does somebody have an idea 
> how can we enable environmental monitoring on cisco through SNMP. I 
> searched a lot on cisco's site but could not find it.
> Also is there anyplugin written which monitors other aspects of cisco 
> apart from interface status.
> Thanks
> Atul


-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
# check_xinterface - nagios plugin 
# largely based upon plugin by Christoph Kron
# Copyright (C) 2002 Guy Van Den Bergh
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
# Report bugs to: guy at

# design of the plugin:
#  check admin status: if down, then warning; exit
#  check operational status: if down, then critical; exit
#  check last change, if within 'tolerance' (-l or --last-change option),
#    then warning
#  get performance data: bits in/out, etc... (implementation to be scheduled later)
#  performance data could be checked against older values (bw drops e.g.)

use strict;

use Net::SNMP;
use Getopt::Long;

my $status;
my $TIMEOUT = 60;

my %ERRORS = ('UNKNOWN' , '-1',
              'OK' , '0',
              'WARNING', '1',
              'CRITICAL', '2');

my %ciscoEnvMonState = 	('1','normal(1)',

my $state = "UNKNOWN";
my $answer = "";
my $snmpkey = 1;
my $community = "public";
my $port = 161;
my $t_oid;
my @snmpoids;
my %error_oids;
my $snmpCiscoVoltageStatus;
my $snmpCiscoTemperatureStatus;
my $snmpCiscoFanStatus;
my $snmpCiscoSupplyStatus;
my $hostname;
my $session;
my $error;
my $response;
my $value;
my $oid;
my @voltage_errors;
my @temperature_errors;
my @fan_errors;
my @supply_errors;

sub usage {
  printf "\nMissing arguments!\n";
  printf "\n";
  printf "Perl Check Cisco Environment plugin for Nagios\n";
  printf "checks status of temperature, fans, ...\n";
  printf "usage: \n";
  printf "check_cisco_env -c <READCOMMUNITY> -p <PORT> <HOSTNAME>";
  printf "\nCopyright (C) 2002 Guy Van Den Bergh\n";
  printf "check_cisco_env comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\n";
  printf "This programm is licensed under the terms of the ";
  printf "GNU General Public License\n(check source code for details)\n";
  printf "\n\n";
  exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};

# Just in case of problems, let's not hang Nagios
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
     print ("ERROR: No snmp response from $hostname (alarm)\n");
     exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};

$status = GetOptions("community=s",\$community,
if ($status == 0)
   $hostname  = shift || &usage;

   ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
      -hostname  => $hostname,
      -community => $community,
      -port      => $port

   if (!defined($session)) {
      print ("$state: $answer");
      exit $ERRORS{$state};

   $snmpCiscoVoltageStatus = '.';
   $snmpCiscoTemperatureStatus = '.';
   $snmpCiscoFanStatus = '.';
   $snmpCiscoSupplyStatus = '.';

   # These four oids all have the same syntax,
   # which makes it easy for scripting all four oids at the same time!

   $answer = "No data returned (Environment MIB not supported)";
   # This will be overwritten when there IS data returned!

   foreach $t_oid (@snmpoids) {
   # Now get all relevant oids, and set the plugin output status accordingly.

      if (!defined($response = $session->get_table($t_oid))) {
         $error_oids{$t_oid} = $session->error;
         next TABLE;

      while ( ($oid, $value) = each %$response ) {

         if ($value == 1 || $value == 5 || $value == 6) {
           # normal, notPresent or notFunctioning
           $state = 'OK' if $state =~ /UNKNOWN/;
           $answer = "All environment variables normal." if $state eq 'OK';
         } elsif ($value == 2) {
           # warning
	   $error_oids{$oid} = $ciscoEnvMonState{$value};
           $state = 'WARNING' unless $state =~ /CRITICAL/;
         } elsif ($value == 3 || $value == 4) {
           # critical or shutdown
           $error_oids{$oid} = $ciscoEnvMonState{$value};
           $state = 'CRITICAL'



## Here is the place for introducing artificial errors (for debugging).

# Now parse all erroneous responses:

unless ($state eq 'OK' or $state eq 'UNKNOWN') {

   while ( ($oid, $value) = each %error_oids ) {

      $value =~ s/\(\d\)//;

      if ($oid =~ /$snmpCiscoVoltageStatus\./) {
         $oid =~ s/$snmpCiscoVoltageStatus\.//;
         push(@voltage_errors, "$value (instance $oid)");

      } elsif($oid =~ /$snmpCiscoTemperatureStatus\./) {
         $oid =~ s/$snmpCiscoTemperatureStatus\.//;
         push(@temperature_errors, "$value (instance $oid)");

      } elsif ($oid =~ /$snmpCiscoFanStatus\./) {
         $oid =~ s/$snmpCiscoFanStatus\.//;
         push(@fan_errors, "$value (fan $oid)");

      } elsif ($oid =~ /$snmpCiscoSupplyStatus\./) {
         $oid =~ s/$snmpCiscoSupplyStatus\.//;
         push(@supply_errors, "$value (PS $oid)");

   # And now the final formatting of the output:

   my $voltage_errors_s = join ";", @voltage_errors if defined $voltage_errors[0];
   my $temperature_errors_s = join ";", @temperature_errors if defined $temperature_errors[0];
   my $fan_errors_s = join ";", @fan_errors if defined $fan_errors[0];
   my $supply_errors_s = join ";", @supply_errors if defined $supply_errors[0];

   $answer = "Problems with:<BR>";
   $answer .= "Voltage: " . $voltage_errors_s . "<BR>" if defined $voltage_errors_s;
   $answer .= "Temperature: " . $temperature_errors_s . "<BR>" if defined $temperature_errors_s;
   $answer .= "Fans: " . $fan_errors_s . "<BR>" if defined $fan_errors_s;
   $answer .= "Power Supply: " . $supply_errors_s ."<BR>" if defined $supply_errors_s;

print ("$answer\n");
exit $ERRORS{$state};

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