Dans Guardian - Proxy Flitering Software

Robert S. Galloway securityguy at ikano.com
Wed Feb 12 06:31:42 CET 2003

Hi Marc,

Thanks for the reply. I am using today's CVS snapshot of the plugins
(200302111100) and Nagios 1.0. Here is the command and output that I get.


./check_http -I --onredirect follow -p 8888 -w 20 -c 30 -t 35
-u http://www.cnn.com -s html -v  

Page is 206 characters
STATUS: HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
**** HEADER ****
Content-Type: text/html
**** CONTENT ****
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>DansGuardian - 400 Bad
Request</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>DansGuardian - 400 Bad Request</H1> The
requested URL is malformed.</BODY></HTML>

HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request



Robert S. Galloway
Chief Network Security Engineer
IKANO Communications
...the Internet branding company
Official Data Networking Services Provider for the
Salt Lake Olympic Winter Games of 2002
securityguy at ikano.com

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