host-check on multi interface server

Markus Schencker markus.schencker at
Tue Feb 25 00:20:28 CET 2003

On Monday 24 February 2003 19:05, Rasmus Plewe wrote:


> Yes, but the disk1 could still be working and useful through other
> interfaces. So, you basically drop dead if any of your interfaces die,
> while I (see below) only drop dead if one specific interface dies.
> Which approach is more useful is, of course, open to discussion. ;-)


> - Advantage: First idea I got when setting this up. Seemed logical to
>   me and does exactly what I want, which is monitoring the whole
>   system, but also generating only one notification even if the
>   machine dies completely.

Why does it generate just one notification? If you have 3 Interfaces and 
defined an "interface" host object for each of it and 2 of the 3 are 
unreachable you will get 2 notifications, right? Is there a way to deal the 
combination of "server" host and depending "interface" hosts as one 
notification destination unit?

> - Parent server: doesn't really matter. The most important one or the
>   most stable one. In any case, if only one interface dies I've got a
>   problem (in my setup). They are not for redundancy.
>   In my case I put the parental host onto the administrative network,
>   to minimize traffic for the production network.

As Jim P Carroll proposed I could put the FQDN instead of an IP address in the 
"server" host so it depends on the DNS which IP address is chosen.

> - Services: On the parent host.

Or on the "interface" hosts if a service depends on a specific interface.

>   , so when I can't
>   simply get the interface up again I turn pale, start to reroute
>   traffic and yell at the people in charge of replacing hardware...

Doesn't it call for scripting ;-)


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