confusion with escalated notifications

Evan Mann emann at
Thu Jan 2 14:58:30 CET 2003

Am I correct in saying that if I put host/service/hostgroups escalations in
place, they 100% override the initial notifications and their set parameters
My basic notification setup is the initial alerts sent every 2 hours via
e-mail to an e-mail box.  After 3 notification intervasl I have an
escalation that kicks in and send a TAP alert once.
I noticed this past weekend that after I got my TAP alert, I no longer
received any e-mails.  And on top of that, I didn't receive my usual host
recovery e-mail's that are defined in my initial notifications prior to
So, what I really need is to have my initial notifications also stay active
when I get my escalations kicking in.  I want to get my e-mails to my e-mail
box every 2 hours and my recovery e-mails, but still only one TAP alert to
my cell phone.  
Here's the only entry into my escalations.cfg
# Hostgroup 'all' escalation definition
define hostgroupescalation{
        hostgroup_name                  all
        first_notification              3
        last_notification               5
        contact_groups                  nextel-group
        notification_interval           0
hostgroup "all" has members of * 
My nextel-group has contacts are joe-nextel, schmo-nexte
My initiall contacts are under group it-group with names joe and schmol
To rectify my problems, do I need to add another group escalationf or "all"
and specify the it-group and set the first/last/interval so I continue to
get my emails?
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