Statusmap error

Steve Bonds r1p6os402 at
Thu Jan 23 03:31:58 CET 2003

On 22 Jan 2003, Jayson Kliger |Nagios| wrote:

> I was just going by the recommendations to use gd2 to save cpu time,
> but I would think that its not necessary, I edited my hostextinfo.cfg
> file to change the statusmap imaged to png..reload/restart still no
> go..? I have confirmed that the
> physical_html_path=/usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos.. and the
> images are there....

If the base PNG images don't work, then you have some problems that are
not directly related to GD.  Look over your templates closely and follow
the chain of references starting at your nagios.cfg file to ensure that
everything is where you think it is.

I had several problems related to me changing a config file that wasn't
even referenced anywhere.  ("Now why didn't that change
anything?  *scratches head*").  As was already suggested, look close for
typos.  Try reducing the extended host info to its bare minimum.

In particular verify:
    should have the line
    "xedtemplate_config_file=/etc/nagios/hostextinfo.cfg" or something

    Simplify this file so it only has one entry similar to:
    define hostextinfo{
	host_name       testhost
        icon_image      testhost.png
        icon_image_alt  testhost image
	statusmap_image testhost.png

You should not have to reload Nagios to see the change-- just reload the
CGI in your browser.

I doubt your problems are GD related if the PNG files won't display

  -- Steve

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