Single check script to monitor multipleprocesses

Jim Mozley jim.mozley at
Wed May 7 10:32:53 CEST 2003

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Sorry for the late response to my original post, been aware from work and
have had a public holiday here in the UK. Thanks for all the responses.

> Off-hand, I see no other particularly strong reasons for grouping the
> functionality at the development level. Do you?
> And if you do, could that need be resolved with a generic aggrgator that
> allows poeple to lump unit plugins to their taste instead of creating
> one bloated plugin that has 20 capabilities of which only 2 might be
> used on a given call?

I agree that this might become a problem if any monitor script tries to do
too much. The biggest problem I see with one script that checks for a list
of processes running is that this makes it difficult to tailor individual
corrective action appropriate to the application. However, I have in the
past used one script that has checked to see if a list of processes is
running in conjunction with individual monitors that check things like DNS
queries being answered or DHCP issuing leases, etc.

The dual approach is aimed at working out whether the service is running
from a customer point of view and also trying to identify the cause of the
problem (such as the process isn't working).



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