check_smtp timeout fix/bug

Christopher McCrory chrismcc at
Fri May 23 19:55:37 CEST 2003


	I noticed this a long time ago, but never really looked at it until

check_smtp -H mailserver

will timeout and FAIL if mailserver's primary DNS server is down (e.g.
rebooting, config update, etc)

The fix I used was:

check_smtp -t 11 -H mailserver

( default is -t 10 )


nagios]$ diff -u checkcommands.cfg-sample checkcommands.cfg
--- checkcommands.cfg-sample    Tue Apr 29 12:14:13 2003
+++ checkcommands.cfg   Fri May 23 10:34:53 2003
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 # 'check_smtp' command definition
 define command{
        command_name    check_smtp
-       command_line    $USER1$/check_smtp -H $HOSTADDRESS$
+       command_line    $USER1$/check_smtp -t 11 -H $HOSTADDRESS$

nagios]$ ./check_smtp --version
check_smtp (nagios-plugins 1.3.0) 1.9

nagios]$ ./check_smtp -H mail
SMTP OK - 0 second response time
[chrismcc at thumper nagios]$ ./check_smtp -H cruella
Socket timeout after 10 seconds
[chrismcc at thumper nagios]$ ./check_smtp -t 11 -H cruella
SMTP OK - 10 second response time

Christopher McCrory
 "The guy that keeps the servers running"
chrismcc at
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