Passive check pipe problem

Jim jim.mozley at
Thu Oct 2 13:27:13 CEST 2003

Hi All,

I have a log file parser that kicks off passive checks that I am trying to
get going and have submitted a previous question about the object
configuration for this, but I have seen a more worrying problem.

The parser executes a perl script (not running as a daemon) which writes to
the pipe for passive checks in the appropriate format - I can see this
working in the logs and I receive notifications.

The problem I see is that I think messages are being written too fast to the
pipe as I get some notifications in the form:

My service is Up Some description[1065056739]
PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT:my-host:my-service:0:Some description.

It is as if the second passive check has been written to the pipe so quickly
that it is seen as part of the description of the first check. If I submit
messages manually to test this doesn't happen, nor does it for every event.

So some questions about the passive check mechanism:

At what interval does it read the pipe for passive checks and is there a
limit to the number of messages I can send in a specific time period?

Should I implement some form of locking for the script that writes to the
pipe? Or turn my script into a daemon that queues the messages with a
suitable interval between?


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