How to get Disk utilization graph in Nagios ...

Paraman Pachaimuthu ParamanP at
Fri Oct 31 11:42:05 CET 2003

Hi Nagi Kings,

I have a challenge with Nagios. My Nagios server is up,rrd tools and Apan is
also up. I am getting graph for the Ping service and not for anything else
(like Disk, Load ).
The error display is : 

Status : Unknown 
States information : No perf-definition for service. 

The following are the config setting of the machine .

1. services.cfg is edited with the following setting

# Service definition
define service{
	use				generic-service		; Name of
service template to use

	host_name			matter
	service_description		diska
	is_volatile			0
	check_period			24x7
	max_check_attempts		10
	normal_check_interval		1
	retry_check_interval		1
	contact_groups			linux-admins
	notification_interval		120
	notification_period		24x7
	notification_options		w,u,c,r
	name			disk
	check_command		apan!disk!85!95             
2.  RRD has been created with the following command.

rrdtool create /usr/local/nagios/rrd/matter_disk_usage.rrd -s 60
DS:root:GAUGE:300:0:U DS:home:GAUGE:300:0:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:50400

3. cgi.cfg has been edited with the following setting.

;root:LINE2 home:LINE2;Disk usage;%; 

4. serviceextinfo.cfg has been edited with the following setting.

define serviceextinfo{
host_name               matter
service_description     disk_usage
icon_image              graph.png
icon_image_alt          View graphs

Note :  If I replace the check_command of service.cfg with 'check_command
check_local_disk!20!10!/dev/hda3 ', it works normally with out any graph.
How to get the graph of disk utilization ? 
Any help will be appreciated. 

with warm regards,
Paraman Pachaimuthu

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