Program Loop ???

Patrice Lavielle plavielle at
Wed Sep 3 11:59:05 CEST 2003

Hello. We use nagios V1 for i while and on a lot of computer. On some of
them we experienced strange problem. This problem was :


-          The nagios process was in memory and nagios run

-          On all host we have this problem


08-08-2003 15:27:55 08-08-2003 15:27:55 0d 0h 0m 0s PROGRAM END Normal
program termination 

08-08-2003 15:27:55 08-08-2003 16:15:56 0d 0h 48m 1s PROGRAM (RE)START
Program start 

08-08-2003 16:15:56 08-08-2003 16:15:56 0d 0h 0m 0s PROGRAM END Normal
program termination 

08-08-2003 16:15:56 08-08-2003 16:37:11 0d 0h 21m 15s PROGRAM (RE)START
Program start 

08-08-2003 16:37:11 08-08-2003 16:37:11 0d 0h 0m 0s PROGRAM END Normal
program termination 

08-08-2003 16:37:11 08-21-2003 12:27:31 12d 19h 50m 20s PROGRAM
(RE)START Program start


We can see that the nagios process was in memory but it cant't start to
make measures. This was strange because we don't have the same down time
for all the hosts.


If someone can help me i thank you a lot.

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