icon problems

משה רופא starbase_947 at knesset.gov.il
Sun Sep 7 13:57:29 CEST 2003


I have compiled nagios 1.1 with the ability to use extended template base
host infomation
and included in the cgi.cfg file the name of the cfg file that contained the
information. i called it extra.cfg.

i have put in the /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos directory the gif and
jpf files,
but no icon appears at the web site. nothing in the host details, services
details of even in the statuscgi and vrml files.

have i missed something? the compliation went fine and running nagios with
-v option proved to be o.k.

the gifs and jpg are there, what else to be done?


Moshe Roffe.
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