Downtime for the operator

Jason Martin jhmartin at
Thu Aug 5 17:42:26 CEST 2004

On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 10:30:46AM -0500, Youngblood, Gregory (SAIC) wrote:
> As a new user of nagios, my only semi-complaint is the apparent requirement
> to restart nagios after any config file changes. I wish there was a way,
> through the web interface, to make nagios queue a command to reread its
> config, similar to how a retest of all the services on a host can be
> scheduled (and forced).
Such a command exists on the Process Info page, named "Restart

> A second nice thing would be the option to have all of configuration saved
> in a database, requiring only the information to connect to the database to
> be in a text file.
That has been requested several times in the past, and the
answer has repeatedly been 'no' from the core developers.

> several active and passive tests for my environment, and am working on more
> as we speak. To all the developers ... a job well done! 
I encourage you to contribute any plugins you write to the
nagiosplug sourceforge project.

-Jason Martin
Dust-balls: The cheap man's Tribble
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