[PMX:#] Modifying NRPE build

Collins, Steve Steve.Collins at industry.gov.au
Tue Aug 24 05:20:28 CEST 2004

I am planning to build NRPE so that we can look more clearly at servers hosted by our outsourced secure host.  A part of the anal secure hosting requirements means that the likelihood of getting a firewall port opened to allow NRPE to work on its native port is next to impossible.  However, I can use port 443 (SSL).

I assume I will need to modify the NRPE build scripts to allow this, but would really appreciate some advice on what I should be doing and how.


Stephen Collins
Web Development Section
eBusiness Division
Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources 
Level 12, 20 Allara Street, Canberra City ACT 2600
GPO Box 9839, Canberra ACT 2601

E steve.collins at industry.gov.au
P +61 2 62137193
C +61 410 680722
F +61 2 62136227

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