Where have the cgi gone?

Marc Powell marc at ena.com
Fri Jan 23 23:31:38 CET 2004

On Friday, January 23, 2004 3:51 PM, Paul L. Allen shared with us:

> Thilanka Samarasekera writes:
> > I get this in my apache error_log
> > 
> > [Fri Jan 23 14:50:01 2004] [error] [client] script not
> > found or unable to stat: /usr/local/nagios/sbin/trends.cgi
> Hmmm, it generates graphs on-the-fly.

Which makes absolutely no difference if the cgi doesn't exist, as is
clearly stated.
> > [Fri Jan 23 15:07:53 2004] [error] [client] script not
> > found or unable to stat: /usr/local/nagios/sbin/histogram.cgi
> And that generates graphs on-the-fly, too.


> > [Fri Jan 23 15:08:08 2004] [error] [client] script not
> > found or unable to stat: /usr/local/nagios/sbin/statusmap.cgi
> That one doesn't generate graphs.  But it does generate a status map,
> which is a graphic that is created on-the-fly. 

Ditto the ditto above.

> > How come all the other cgi's in the proper place
> Do any of the other CGIs generate images on-the-fly?
> > and these three are not ?
> Take a wild guess...
> > Can someone help ?
> Yes, the documentation can help.  It tells you what libraries you
> need in order for certain things to be built.  See if you can guess
> what type of library you might be missing before you read through the
> documentation.   

Now, I'll admit that I am a big fan of 'give them enough information to
help them help themselves and learn in the process', but really, there's
nothing to take away from this comment that's useful in the least and is
actually very condescending. As far as I remember, and I'm pretty
familiar with the documentation, this issue isn't addressed at all
specifically and the gd libs are only mentioned in one line out of
several thousand. I think I can forgive someone for missing that. The
FAQ however does contain several entries related to this, specifically
http://www.nagios.org/faqs/viewfaq.php?faq_id=55 and that would have
been a much better pointer. To make a correlation between the specific
cgis generating graphs on the fly and not being present is a huge leap
for someone without years of experience with linux/unix and knowing
specifically how those graphs are generated.


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