Setting status of returned plugin output

Wood, Thomas H. (UNIX) ThomasH.Wood at
Mon Jul 12 22:11:54 CEST 2004

Ok, so I wrote myself a little wrapper for the process I was trying to
check just to see how it would work.  I've been calling this via
check_by_ssh and it works about half the time.  The rest of the time
Nagios reads it as unknown (even though it's returning exit 0) and trips
status unknown.

Here's the code.  Please no flaming; this isn't production quality.  The
only difference I've seen between when Nagios reads the status code and
doesn't is that it picks up the status ok first time.  Whenever it
reports status unknown the service reports 3/3 tries.  Also, I've been
watching the actual process all day in another window.  It really is
running :)

Any comments or thoughts on this interesting problem would be

Thomas Wood


output=`/usr/bin/ps -ef | /usr/bin/grep $process_to_check |
/usr/bin/grep -v grep | /usr/bin/cut -f28 -d ' '`

if [ $output == $process_to_check ]; then
        echo "Ok: BPRD found."
        exit 0;

        echo "BPRD NOT FOUND!"
        exit 3;

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Powell [mailto:marc at] 
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 2:04 PM
To: Wood, Thomas H. (UNIX); nagios-users at
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Setting status of returned plugin output

You'll need to create a wrapper for bssp.


From: Wood, Thomas H. (UNIX) [mailto:ThomasH.Wood at]
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 12:23 PM
To: nagios-users at
Subject: [Nagios-users] Setting status of returned plugin output

I've been looking through the nagios and nagios plugin doc trying to
determine how to configure nagios such that output returned by a plugin
is good.  Here's the rub:

I'm trying to determine whether a process on a remote Solaris box is
running.  I haven't messed around with nrpe on that system yet and have
access already in place via key exchange.  So I use check_by_ssh to
connect and run bssp -a | grep bprd (it's a netbackup thing).  If I get
back something like "root 2676 1 0 Jul 07 ? 0:03
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprd" then I know the process is running and my
backups won't fail.  Right now Nagios flags that as unknown status and
clutters up my pristine tactical view with a flag.  So how do I get
Nagios to recognize this an OK state?


Thomas Wood 

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