./configure step in Nagios setup

Gallegly, Rob Rob.Gallegly at usfsi.com
Mon Jul 12 23:51:05 CEST 2004

I am having some difficulty setting up Nagios in Fedora.  

When I try to run the configure script using the directories suggested in
the install instructions, I am receiving two warnings and one error.

The warnings I receive are for the prefix and the cgi-bin paths I set (which
are the exact one suggested in the Nagios documentation, not "prefix" and
the sort).  I receive the error "Invalid Host Type".  I have confirmed that
both directories exist (along with the group and user, etc).

Then, I receive an error saying that I can only configure for one host and
one target at a time.

I am not sure why this is happening, but if anyone can provide any
suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

Rob Gallegly
Hotel Technology Group
U.S. Franchise Systems
hotel.support at usfsi.com
rob.gallegly at usfsi.com

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