resource.cfg variables in services as arguments

John Borwick borwicjh at
Wed Nov 10 15:57:52 CET 2004

Hello.  I would like to be able to have several community strings for 
the same check_command, without exposing them in my service 
configuration files.  I would really like to be able to say

   check_command                   my_snmp_check!$USER1$

in a "service" statement.  I believe "$USER1$" is treated as a literal 
in this context.

When I replace $ARG1$ with $USER1$ in the check itself, or $USER1$ in 
the service with the actual community string, then the SNMP query finds 
the community string and works fine.

Am I doing anything wrong?  Is the above (treating "$USER1$" as a 
literal) the intended action?  Do people just not pass resource strings 
inside service statements?

Thank you very much.

            John Borwick
        System Administrator
       Wake Forest University | web
       Winston-Salem, NC, USA | GPG key ID             0x797326D5
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