check_http port argument

Andreas Ericsson ae at
Mon Nov 15 19:20:26 CET 2004

Josiah Ritchie wrote:
> You still need to tell it what host in the services.cfg file. Add '-H
> $HOST$' I think.

That would be $HOSTADDRESS$. There is no $HOST$ macro.

> Compare with other checks to be sure. I assume the ! in
> the command was a typo.

It is not. It's how arguments are separated in service object 
definitions. Please refrain from answering questions when you're not 
sure of the answer. It leads to a lot more questions and is quite 
annoying. Remember that people might actually look for an answer in the 
mail archives so a wrong answer will have greater impact than leading 
just one person astray.

Andreas Ericsson          at
OP5 AB                   
Lead Developer

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