Check Command Reference and Examples

Tim Holmes tholmes at
Wed Nov 17 13:09:15 CET 2004

Good Morning to everyone:

I have gotten my Nagios system up and running, and it is working great,
but as I continue to utilize it, I have a few questions.

1) Is there a command reference someplace for all the different check
commands?  I have gone into the libexec folder and run different
commands with the -help switch and gotten the helps there, however some
of those references are a bit on the short side.  For example, I
examined the check_http command reference, and determined that if I ran
the command

./check_http -w 5 -c 10

it would query our pictures web site and return a warning if it took
more than 5 seconds to respond, and a critical if it took more then 10
seconds to respond. So I put this into my service.cfg file, and nagios
promptly choked on it.  Upon examining the checkcommands.cfg and the
services-cfg.sample files, I discovered that the command line that I had
specified on the CLI would go in the checkcommands.cfg file, (I am
guessing I would specify a check command for each website, but I am not
sure).  An examination of the services.cfg-sample file showed that the
proper command to check the httpd service on our webserver is
check_http, which then references the checkcommand.cfg file.  I guess
what I am looking for is a reference to the different check commands
with their proper syntax, as well as the proper way to modify them so
they will accomplish what I want

2) Is there a repository anywhere of different examples of how people
are setting up their host and service checks?  I am pinging hosts to
make sure things are up, and doing some basic checks (smtp, http, etc)
but I want to make sure that I am utilizing this resource properly.

Thanks for all your time and help


Timothy A. Holmes
IT Manager
Medina Christian Academy
A Higher Standard...
Jeremiah 33:3
Jeremiah 29:11
Esther 4:14

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