Mobile Network

Julian Hein jhein at
Wed Oct 20 08:28:48 CEST 2004


> #### Is it possible to implement nagios,  monitor the mobile 
> network ( GSM , 
> GPRS )

Sure, Nagios can monitor anything, as long it has an address. Normaly, this is an IP adress, but it can also be something else. As you might have read in the documentation, the actual checks are done by Nagios Plugins. This little programs must know how to check the device and return a status information (OK, WARNING, CRITCAL, etc) back to Nagios. So all you need to do is write a plugin or find a existing one, that checks you specific device.

GPRS Devices might have IP addresses, so it will be easy. For the GSM hardware I don't know, but if you can talk to them by a seriell connection, you could use a seriell port server and telnet to them, send some commands and parse the responses.


Julian Hein                   NETWAYS GmbH         
Managing Director             Deutschherrnstr. 47a 
Fon.0911/92885-0              D-90429 Nürnberg     
jhein at     

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