Help As400 Plugin for Nagios

Yugo Ashida yashida at
Tue Sep 21 19:06:44 CEST 2004

I've just installed this and got past initial 'plugin may be missing
messages' by installing java, making sure nagios had permissions to run
it and then to ensure all parts other parts of the plugin was accessible
(running nagios in the foreground helped)
I've had to mess around with the java code to get the login to work on
our system, but most parts of it work now. 
One that doesn't is disk space where the message 'Warning threshold
should be greater than Critical threshold' Warning is at 20 and critical
at 10 (which doesn't really make sense to me), but still coming up with
this message
The other one is the Messages. It thinks there are messages that need
replying, but there aren't any. Does anyone know what it looks out for
in the message queue?
By the way using v0.16 from
Yugo Ashida

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