Check_Oracle plugin help needed

Phil Tuttiett Phil.Tuttiett at
Wed Apr 20 02:57:41 CEST 2005

  I have nagios 2.0b3 installed on a SuSE 9.0 system, with version 1.4 of the plugins. I'm trying to configure oracle database checks with the check_oracle plugin (check_oracle (nagios-plugins 1.4) 1.14). Oracle is not installed on the nagios box. Do I need to?
I have configured obtained a copy of tnsnames.ora from a windows client and attempted to configure an ORACLE_HOME, but I suspect unsuccessfully.
Whenever I run check_oracle from the command line, I get
   Cannot determine ORACLE_HOME for sid

Obviously, I'm missing something - but what? I'm a Linux newbie, so any assistance would be appreciated. Also, I've assigned a value to ORACLE_HOME (/usr/local/nagios/etc), exported the value and put the tnsnames.ora in that directory.
Thanks in advance for your help
Phil Tuttiett

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